Volunteer Days at OTP!

Have you ever wondered how sound or lighting works for a stage production? Do you like to build things or paint? Do you sew? Do you play an instrument? Would you like to sing, dance, or act? Do you like to tell people where to go? Do you have some spare time to be part of a team that makes something good for the community? Then come to the Volunteer Days at Old Town Playhouse!

On Friday, September 6 from 6 to 7:30 PM and Saturday, September 7 from 1 to 2:30 PM, we will have representatives from all of the specialties here at the Playhouse to answer questions and help you decide what may be most interesting for you. We'll have contacts for house management, costumes, lights, music, properties, sets, sound, stage management, and on stage. If you have any experience, that's great, but if you don't, we can teach you. You can sign up at this event, or think about it and get back to us.

There will be light snacks and beverages. No ticket needed, arrive any time. Questions? Call 231.947.2210 option 2 or email tickets@oldtownplayhouse.com.

Please come and join our family, because that's what we really are. See you then!

(The photo on this page was taken at our annual Volunteer Party, 2024!)