Marian Cast Announcement

Congratulations to the cast of Marian, or the True Tale of Robin Hood! This Pop Up Studio show will take place on the apron at Old Town Playhouse October 27 - November 5, 2023.

Robin/Marian - Miishen Willis

Alanna Dale - Sam Whalen

The Sheriff of Nottingham/Friar Tuck - Sage Mitchell

Little John - Toby Lucius

Lady Shirley - Kathleen Murdock

Prince John - Christopher Cronin

Will Scarlet - Flower Apley

Much the Miller's Son - Leaf Spaulding

Tommy of No Consequence - Nick Durga

Sir Theo the Punctual/Guard 2 - Grace Kolbusz

Sir Lenny The Observant/Tanner/Guard 1 - Jill Beauchamp

Lucy - Alexandra Zenn

Guard 3/Stage Crew TBD

Guard 4/Stage Crew TBD